26 October 2009

(Code)names to remember

Since I've taken to using codenames in my blog posts, I think it's only fair to provide a rundown of these people so you guys don't get confused.

Alphabetized by codename. Click on the name for the first mention of this person in this blog. If there's no link, it means I haven't written about them yet. No worries, I'll probably mention them sooner or later.

(Note that not everyone has a codename. This is probably because I'm lazy.)

Battle Axe - Bear's friend. Used to go to my uni, then transferred to the other one in town. Nice, but loud and lacking a tense of tact or appropriateness. Has a crush on Mezzo.

Bear - Casually dated my old roommate for awhile. I met him again a year later, then went on one date with him. Despite interest on his part, I felt nothing and let it die.

Cheese - My friend who is possibly an even pickier eater than I am. Crazy fun and a barrel of laughs. She graduated the year before me, but I still keep in touch with her.

Ginger - My first friend from uni, whom I stalked on facebook before we even moved in freshman year. She became one of my best friends since that day, and I often confide in her about things I can't tell to anyone else. Roomed with JayJ during sophomore year, and planning on rooming with her again next semester.

Hawkeye - A classmate I developed a mild crush on. Younger than me, but cute. Not much else to say at the moment.

Hyunwoo Sun - Not actually a person in my life, but a fellow language-addict from Korea whose Twitter and various blogs I follow. He's crazy awesome with the languages, and I hope to be even partially as awesome as him in the future.

Jang Ji-young - My Korean teacher during uni. She only teaches on Saturdays, but I enjoy talking to her, and I find her Iranian husband and halfie children fascinating.

JayJ - Gorgeous Korean-American friend who has introduced me to a lot of Korean culture. Currently student teaching in Chicago. Roomed with Ginger during sophomore year, and planning on rooming with her again next semester.

Kip - Korean guy living in Chicago I met through an online dating site. Quirky and fun, and quickly becoming one of my good friends. May have developed feelings for me; I'm still trying to decide how to react. We have a meet-up planned for Thanksgiving break.

Lutze - My favourite professor from uni for a multitude of reasons. His history classes are the highlight of my college career. My goal is to make him proud of me one day.

Mae - Filipino-American friend who I introduced to Kpop way back in the day. I apparently created a monster, because she's more Kpop-obsessed than I am. (I'm more culturally focused, whereas she's more POP-culturally focused.) Currently studying abroad in Korea.

Mezzo - Mezzo-soprano double degree (Music/History) friend from uni. Quirky sense of humour and a tendency to take on way too much stuff. Despite her tendency to whine, she's one of my good friends and I can't imagine college without her.

Penelope/Penny - The purple bicycle my father bought me for my senior year of uni. I haven't had a chance to ride her much yet due to the rain and icky cold, but I intend to do so before it gets icy.

Philosopher - Younger guy I met at a party. I was emotionally moved, but his (sort of) rejection of me via Facebook made me bitter for awhile. I have since gotten over it.

Princess - My best friend since the end of freshman year/beginning of sophomore year. She had some issues during junioir year of uni and had to transfer closer to home, but we still see each other every couple of months.

Rita - My current housemate, and a close friend I've known since freshman year. A little flighty and drama-ridden, but entertaining. She's just as cuddly as I am, which is a plus. Best friends with Snake.

Snake - The housemate I'm quickly growing to hate. She's Rita's best friend, and I only agreed to rent a house with her because I wanted to live with Rita. Probably has no idea how much I dislike her. I'm trying not to let her ruin my senior year.

Springwood - An excellent professor from uni. His offhand declaration that I will write a bestselling novel or award-winning screenplay has spurred me to improve my writing and hopefully get published. This amuses me because he's an anthropology professor.

Totes - My Vocal Performance major roommate from freshman and sophomore year, with whom I share a ridiculous amount in common. Had some emotional issues during junior year which caused her to transfer to a uni closer to home. I don't keep in touch with her nearly as much as I should. Her mother and mine are now close friends. So codenamed due to an inside joke. (Rhymes with "goats.")

Violinist - Princess' roommate for junior year. Violinist is a year younger than us, but very sweet. I had Japanese classes with her boyfriend for a year, and now am in one of Lutze's history classes with her.

Whittles - My roommate from junior year. Awesomely brilliant English major who went to New York to do a publishing course post-graduation. Also, TALL. She introduced me to Doctor Who and BBC dramas, and I repaid the favour by introducing her to Korean dramas. I think it was an even trade.

Yogi - Awesome guy I met through an online dating site. We talked to each other for 12 hours straight when we met, and soon arranged a date. (Will be updated after our date.)