08 October 2009

"It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep / Because my dreams are bursting at the seams.."

Music: Owl City - Fireflies
Mood: accomplished

(My greeting for Hangul Day.)
(재 한글날 인사.)

(Forgive my childish Korean and even more childish English translation. I'm learning, 'kay?

Also, all links in the Korean section are for the Korean Wiki articles, while all links in the English sections are for the English Wiki articles. For comparison. ^^)

우앗! 아얼 시티는 너무 좋아~~

지금 비 와요. 아주 마~않이.

재가 비 좋아하지만, 비 와는 동안 집에 가는 것 실어요. ㅠ_ㅠ

오늘 크래스를 지워 버렸어요. 선생님 몸이 좋지 않이고, 그 아들은 H1N1 해요. 크래스에 안 가는 것 좋아하지만, 선생님도 선생님의 가족을 걱정시켜요.

아까 전 도서관에서 중국 역사를 공부하고 있었어요. 마오 제동의 "Four Essays on Philosophy"를 읽고 있었고, 다른 책을 나중에 읽꺼예요. 재밌지만, 전 지금은 아주 많이 피곤해서 골몰 못 해요.

내일 한글날 이에요! 1446에서 세종대왕은 한글을 창조했어요. 한글 있어서, 중국의 한자의 필요 없었어요. 그래서, 10월 9일에 한국인들이 한글날을 축하해요.

어제 한국인 블로거 선현우씨는 블로그하고 유튭에서 한글날 인사 모였다고, 나중에 비디어 콜라주를 만들꺼예요. 재가 한글날 인사 썼어서, 기다리세요! ㅎㅎㅎ

..그런데, 전 왜 이렇게 한국말에 잘 쓸 수 있어요? 한국어 레슨은 토요일에 만 있는데, 중국어 보다 너무 좋아요. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

그리고, 재 한글은 너무 예뻐요~ :3 안인가?

우앗, 진짜 많이 썼어요, 지금은.

Wah! I love Owl City~~

It's raining right now. Lots.

I like rain, but I hate walking home while it's raining. ;_;

Class was canceled today. Our professor is sick, and his son has H1N1. I like not going to class, but I'm worried about my professor and his family.

I was in the library studying for Chinese history just now, reading Mao's "Four Essays on Philosophy." Later, I'll read some other stuff. It's interesting, but right now I'm tired and can't concentrate.

Tomorrow is Hangul Day! In 1446, King Sejong the Great developed hangul; because of this, Koreans didn't need to use Chinese hanja anymore, which is why they celebrate Hangul Day on October 9th.

Yesterday, Korean blogger Hyunwoo Sun collected greetings for Hangul Day on his blog and Youtube, and later he'll be making a video collage out of them. I wrote one as well, so please look forward to it, haha!

..how can I write so well in Korean? I only have Korean lessons on Saturdays, but my Korean is much better than my Chinese. LOL.

And my hangul is so preeeetty, isn't it? :3

Wow, I really wrote a lot just now.

(Yes, it's short, but my vocabulary is fairly limited for the things I want to say, and it's a pain choosing the correct words when my dictionary isn't terribly clear. I'll write more at length some other day.)

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