11 October 2009

"If you awake before we arrive I will carry you down and I won't make a sound."

Music: Owl City - Air Traffic
Mood: confused

(Possibly Taiwan? Stolen from JJ Lin.)

You know that saying, "When it rains it pours"?

I'm sort of living that right now.

I'm still not completely over that whole mess of emotion that I wrote about previously, but it's faded enough for me to be open to other things. Which is good, since something I never saw coming is happening.

So. My roommate from last year (whom I'll call Whittles) had a pseudo-boyfriend for a few weeks during the fall semester. (I'm going to call him Bear, since he reminds me of a teddy bear.) I got to meet him a couple of times, and I instantly took a platonic liking to him--after all, he sort of belonged to my roommate, even though they were only casually dating. I thought he was a really nice guy, though, and I genuinely enjoyed his company. After my roommate called it off, though, I decided not to pursue a real friendship with him because (a) that's awkward, (b) I would never really see him around on campus anyway, and (c) I was distracted by drama in my own life at the time.

Well, one of my friends had a potluck last night. Rita made broccoli, while I made my fool-gogi again, and we headed over there expecting it to be mostly people connected only through this friend. To my surprise, though, I heard that Bear was coming and bringing a friend. I was excited, since he graduated last year and I thought I wasn't going to see him again, so I hugged him rather enthusiastically when he arrived.

Dinner went wonderfully (everyone loved my fool-gogi, including Bear), and we all parted on really good terms. After I got home, I posted a message on his Facebook wall saying that we need to hang out and stuff, so today he suggested that we go see a movie with some of the people from the potluck last night. I agreed, so I called up some people, including last night's hostess (Violinist) and our friend Mezzo (who's a mezzo-soprano). We all decided to go see Zombieland (which is made of awesome, in case you were wondering), so I drove the girls and Bear drove himself and his friend Battle Axe (another pseudonym).

At the theatre, I sat between Bear and Mezzo, while Violinist sat on the other side of Bear and Battle Axe sat in front of us. The theatre was entirely empty except for one other guy who sat in front by himself, so we were all loud and irreverent and goofy throughout the entire movie. We even ended up switching seats a few times due to our shenanigans, but I always ended up next to Bear. I'm an extremely jumpy moviegoer, so I spent a lot of time cowering behind my sweater or into Bear's shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, though, and although I knew that what I was doing could be construed as flirting (and I suppose it technically was, since I literally flirt with everyone) I did nothing to rein myself in.

The flirtation continued after the movie, when I hugged Bear and Battle Axe goodbye by hanging from their necks--I often do this with tall people regardless of gender, but I also use it to flirt because it's extended contact. Bear and I raced our cars somewhat dangerously back to campus, where I eventually lost him after dropping off Mezzo and Violinist.

When I got back home to make dinner for myself and Rita (the movie was an early showing), the flirtation continued via text, as we joked about how he only had 1 1/2 dimples (which I've never noticed and need to confirm with my own eyes) and how I was more than welcome to play with them. He said that my proposed action of pinching his cheeks was kinky, to which I replied that he must be really repressed. He replied that I was welcome to find out just how repressed he was, and then I (unintentionally) killed it by just telling him "We'll see."

So. I don't know what I'm feeling. Do I actually like him, or am I just giddy about seeing someone I'd liked (platonically) and hadn't seen in a long time?

Pros: Tall (at least 6'1"), funny, musical (he's a music teacher), understands my sense of humour, makes me feel comfortable, cuddly, seems to be interested, comes into town fairly frequently, already knows a lot of my (musically-inclined) friends.
Cons: Already graduated and in the real world, working ~2 hours away from me, a little on the heavy side physically, previously dated my old roommate (whom I'm still really close with), may or may not still be attached to his girlfriend before her.

He's staying with Battle Axe this weekend, and he's invited me to come hang out with them some more after I finish my homework if I want.

I..don't know what to do. On the one hand, I want to take him up on his offer and spend more time with him, but on the other hand I don't know if I actually feel something for him or if I'm just (a) rebounding off of Philosopher or (b) desperate.

..although I suppose I should finish my homework first before I try to figure it out.

Also, according to Battle Axe, I'm either a bunny or a sparrow. I'm going to go with the former.

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