22 September 2009

My life is less interesting than your life.

Music: Peking Laundry - Don't Turn Away
Mood: procrastinating..again

(Car-Free Day in southern Seoul earlier today. Stolen from The Korea Herald.)

My history paper is currently about 1/3 done. As soon as I finish this post, I'm going to get seriously cracking on it.

Mmmmm, peppermint tea. The tea I adore. Followed closely by 설록차(Sul Loc Cha)-brand green tea. And..that's pretty much it, actually.

Today I walked into my anthropology class, ready to take my exam, only to discover that over half the class (including myself) was randomly wearing school paraphernalia. Are we awesome? Oh yes. Springwood cracked jokes about it until he passed out the exam. Speaking of which, I think I did well enough. There were two essays at the end, which I wasn't expecting, but I'm fairly certain I hit all the points I needed to hit. Huzzah for a potential good grade!

I've decided I'm going to make bulgogi tomorrow. Because I love it. And because Rita and I have decided that we both adore beef and don't get to eat it enough. (Asian-style beef, not beef as in general meat from a cow. Steak, for instance, I'm not terribly fond of.) Since Rita doesn't like kimchi, though, I'm going to have to think of some other side dishes to make with it. Maybe I'll go buy bean sprouts and stir-fry those up with some other vegetables.. Broccoli?

Bah, whatevs.

Oh man, this song makes me think of the drama Soulmate. THAT was a fantastic show. I never did quite understand why Dong-wook could read Soo-kyung's mind (TRUE LOVE = TELEPATHY?), but other than that it was terrific. (I feel like I'm a kid in the 50s. "Gee willikers, Billy, that sure sounds terrific!" (Also, spell-check tried to turn "willikers" into "williwaws." Wtf is a williwaw?))

According to dictionary.com, a williwaw is "a violent squall that blows in near-polar latitudes, as in the Strait of Magellan, Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands." ..huh. The things you learn.

Anyway. Tangents! I go on them.

What was I talking about again?

..hrm. Obviously not important.

Aaaaanywho. Did I mention I only have 1/3 of my paper finished? And I still haven't found quote-worthy passages from any of my readings. CRAP.

Okay, new plan. FINISH the paper. THEN blog. Good plan.

..god, I suck at staying on task.

"웃어봐 하하하 당신을 더욱 사랑할꺼야"

Music: Napoleon Dynamite - 웃어 (Laugh)
Mood: concerned

(Stolen from Singaporean singer-songwriter JJ Lin's blog. That's a giant watch in the center.)

There's some stuff going on that has me worried. Not seriously worried, but still..worried. Mostly for other people.


My camera appears to have died for the last time, so I've bitten the bullet and told the parental units. I might get a new one for Christmas.. We'll see. In the meantime, I'll have to make do with either (a) scouring the internet for cool pictures, (b) stealing stuff off of Facebook, or (c) using my built-in laptop camera. (Hence today's picture, stolen from JJ Lin, one of my favourite artists. He's also a good photographer.)

Since we're on the subject of JJ Lin, I'm going to go on a mild fangirl tangent. Bear with me.

OMG, I ADORE HIM. Not in the "I want to marry him and bear his children" sort of way, but in the "I want to be his best friend and hang out with him" sort of way. He's talented, he seems really funny and sweet, and he has adorable dimples. Plus, I've been totally rocking out to his music this past week while walking to and from campus. It's been a good time.

ALSO! He totally talked to me. :D Well, tweeted to me. Yes, to me! AHAHAHA, fangirl moment~ I wrote a tweet wondering why I hadn't noticed his last album coming out last year (tagged it @JJ_Lin, which is his Twitter) and ended up blaming it on all of the drama here that happened around then. Twenty minutes later, he tweets me back asking where I am. :DDDDDDDD I told him I was in Illinois, and that I was actually referring to friend-drama. He..hasn't tweeted me back. :( But I know he's alive. He's supposedly going to analyze my personality (and the personality of every other fan that tweeted him back about his question) based on my three favourite animals and my reasons. I'm excited. :DDDD

..shut up. >.>


I have an anthropology exam tomorrow morning. I never feel very good when going into Springwood's exams, so I'm a little worried, but I honestly can't think of anything he could put on it that would surprise me. The stuff we're talking about right now is pretty straightforward (whether "race" can be determined by genetics--surprise surprise, it can't), so it shouldn't be too difficult. Still. Stuff like this is hard to study for.

And then after Springwood's exam, I have to hurry back here so I can work on my paper for Lutze. I have an outline for each of the three possible exam questions he gave us, and now I just need to (a) pick one, (b) incorporate the stuff we talked about in class today, and (c) write the damn thing. It's due on Wednesday.. I'm actually feeling pretty good about it.

..and completely off-topic, but I fucking love this song.

웃어봐 하하하 세상 모두가 웃게 될거야
Try laughing, hahaha, everyone in the world will end up laughing
울어봐 엉엉엉 결국 너혼자 울게 될거야
Try crying, wah wah wah, in the end you’ll end up crying alone

지친 그대여 울지말고 일어나 웃어요
Tired you, instead of crying get up and smile
지친 그대여 울지말고 더 크게 맘껏 웃어 Smile!
Tired you, instead of crying smile as much as you want Smile!

(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
세상 모두를 가진것처럼
Like you’ve got everything in the world
(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
해맑은 너의 웃음을 보여줘
Show us that bright white smile of yours
(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
세상 모두가 웃을때까지
Until everyone in the world smiles
(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
그래 우리 함께 활짝 웃어요
Yes smile widely together with us

웃어봐 하하하 세상이 더욱 예뻐질꺼야
Try laughing hahaha the world will grow all the more prettier
웃어봐 하하하 당신을 더욱 사랑할꺼야
Try laughing hahaha I will love you all the more

지친 그대여 울지말고 일어나 웃어요
Tired you, instead of crying get up and smile
지친 그대여 울지말고 더 크게 맘껏 웃어 Smile!
Tired you, instead of crying smile as much as you want Smile!

(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
세상 모두를 가진것처럼
Like you’ve got everything in the world
(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
해맑은 너의 웃음을 보여줘
Show us that bright white smile of yours
(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
세상 모두가 웃을때까지
Until everyone in the world smiles
(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
그래 우리 함께 활짝 웃어요
Yes smile widely together with us

누군가 우릴 뭐라한대도
Even if someone says something about us
누군가 우릴 무시한대도
Even if someone ignores us
누군가 우릴 떠나간대도
Even if someone leaves us
세상이 그댈 속일지라도
Even if the world deceives us

(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
세상 모두를 가진것처럼
Like you’ve got everything in the world
(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
해맑은 너의 웃음을 보여줘
Show us that bright white smile of yours
(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
세상 모두가 웃을때까지
Until everyone in the world smiles
(웃어 웃어 더 크게 웃어)
(Smile, smile, even bigger smile)
그래 우리 함께 활짝 웃어요
Yes smile widely together with us

웃어봐 하하하 웃어봐 하하하
Try laughing hahaha try laughing hahaha
웃어봐 하하하 웃어봐 하하하
Try laughing hahaha try laughing hahaha

Credit: cinnamon plus peppermint

19 September 2009

이제부터 시작해요!

Music: Nell - 현실의 현실 (The Realness of Reality)
Mood: concerned

(The out-of-tune piano which was left in the house we're renting.)

Yet another blog begins. I wonder how long I can keep this one going?


I had a solo Korean lesson today. We started up the last weekend of August, and we even have some new people--a Korean-American couple and a sophomore from my uni--but only the sophomore and I showed up today. He's in the Beginner class, though, so I was alone in Intermediate. It worked out well, though.. 장지영선생님 and I flew through the lesson, and I got some personal attention. I really need to practice speaking fluently and holding actual conversations. I can understand things when they're said to me (or when I'm eavesdropping, ㅎㅎㅎ), but I have difficulty responding. Not that this is unusual.. I've always had this problem in my language classes.

On the bright side, I learned a few new vocabulary words (퇴근 and 출근, which mean "get off work" and "go to work" respectively) and was forced into having a 100% Korean conversation with my teacher about the languages I want to learn, and why I have no interest in European languages. (ㅋㅋㅋ) She was amused.


University has begun again, in case you couldn't tell. I'm now living off-campus with Lynn and Rita, and so far it's going alright. There have been a few little conflicts and annoyances, but nothing big. I have to say, though, being off-campus is 50x better than living in a dorm. I almost wish I had done this earlier, although that would've meant missing out on living in I-House and rooming with the awesome Leila.

Classes are alright.. Since I overloaded a couple of times during my uni career and didn't piddlefart around with my requirements, I only have to take three classes this semester. Two are 300-levels--Race and Racism with Springwood and The Chinese Revolution with Lutze--and the third is Chinese 201. Very exciting. I'm also taking Fitness Walking, but it's almost over already, and it doesn't count as a real class anyway.

My first exams are already coming up. Springwood's is a multiple-choice/short-answer exam on Tuesday, while Lutze's is a take-home essay exam for Wednesday. I'm actually quite excited to begin writing Lutze's exam... I always have fun with his papers.


I've begun to think about my future after graduation. I don't know what I want, and that scares me.

A lot of people are just like, "Well, go teach English! All the cool kids are doing it." The problem is, I think I'd suck at being a teacher. I'm barely confident in what I'm good at; what would happen if I was suddenly thrust into a completely different culture where I didn't even speak much of the language to teach a bunch of children? Especially if they're at the beginner's level. I could probably handle intermediate/advanced kids, because then teaching simply becomes helping them with pronunciation and correct usage, but beginners? That's terrifying.

I could always go to grad school, I guess. That's what I've been telling people I'm going to do, anyway--go to a Korean grad school and get a Masters in translation. My talents seem to be purely linguistic, anyway; I'm not very good in much else. Maybe I'll pick up a class on oriental art along the way, since I enjoy that.

But after that..what? Do I really want to be a translator? Do I want to stay in Korea, or do I want to come back here? Sometimes I'm tempted to just become a housewife, until I remember that I'd quickly grow stir-crazy from being at home so much. Plus, what Korean man would marry me? Interracial couple with Korean men and foreign women aren't very common. (Not that I'm completely discounting the possibility of marrying a non-Korean.. I'm just saying that's probably what I'd lean towards anyway.)

Argh. THE FUTURE. It nears.


On a more cheerful note, I've been watching several period dramas (사극) recently.