22 September 2009

My life is less interesting than your life.

Music: Peking Laundry - Don't Turn Away
Mood: procrastinating..again

(Car-Free Day in southern Seoul earlier today. Stolen from The Korea Herald.)

My history paper is currently about 1/3 done. As soon as I finish this post, I'm going to get seriously cracking on it.

Mmmmm, peppermint tea. The tea I adore. Followed closely by 설록차(Sul Loc Cha)-brand green tea. And..that's pretty much it, actually.

Today I walked into my anthropology class, ready to take my exam, only to discover that over half the class (including myself) was randomly wearing school paraphernalia. Are we awesome? Oh yes. Springwood cracked jokes about it until he passed out the exam. Speaking of which, I think I did well enough. There were two essays at the end, which I wasn't expecting, but I'm fairly certain I hit all the points I needed to hit. Huzzah for a potential good grade!

I've decided I'm going to make bulgogi tomorrow. Because I love it. And because Rita and I have decided that we both adore beef and don't get to eat it enough. (Asian-style beef, not beef as in general meat from a cow. Steak, for instance, I'm not terribly fond of.) Since Rita doesn't like kimchi, though, I'm going to have to think of some other side dishes to make with it. Maybe I'll go buy bean sprouts and stir-fry those up with some other vegetables.. Broccoli?

Bah, whatevs.

Oh man, this song makes me think of the drama Soulmate. THAT was a fantastic show. I never did quite understand why Dong-wook could read Soo-kyung's mind (TRUE LOVE = TELEPATHY?), but other than that it was terrific. (I feel like I'm a kid in the 50s. "Gee willikers, Billy, that sure sounds terrific!" (Also, spell-check tried to turn "willikers" into "williwaws." Wtf is a williwaw?))

According to dictionary.com, a williwaw is "a violent squall that blows in near-polar latitudes, as in the Strait of Magellan, Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands." ..huh. The things you learn.

Anyway. Tangents! I go on them.

What was I talking about again?

..hrm. Obviously not important.

Aaaaanywho. Did I mention I only have 1/3 of my paper finished? And I still haven't found quote-worthy passages from any of my readings. CRAP.

Okay, new plan. FINISH the paper. THEN blog. Good plan.

..god, I suck at staying on task.

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