25 October 2009

Reason #478954798435039 why I'd rather live alone

Music: Casker - 향 (Scent)
Mood: annoyed

I have a pet peeve. This pet peeve has a name. It's called Snake.

..okay, so Snake is one of my housemates. (Codename derived from one of those name meaning websites.)

Seriously, she drives me craaaaaaaaazy.

"No, I don't want to go in with you guys on toilet paper, I'm just going to steal my own [from the dorms]!"
"Dude, it's $5 for you share, and this will last us to the end of the semester."
"Every little bit counts!"
[come the weekend..]
"Hi guys, I just bought some stuff for s'mores for my boyfriend and I!" (This is EVERY weekend, by the way.)
[Rita and I to each other] "Isn't she trying to save money?"

And every time I'm watching TV and decide to go take a shower, I turn off the TV but not the cable box, because it takes FOREVER (seriously, it's like 15 minutes) for it to bring up all the channels and programming after it's been turned back on. But when I come back from my shower (30-45 minutes tops, including drying my hair and getting dressed, I discover that she's UNPLUGGED the entire damn thing. Um, HELLO. I wasn't done with that, as evidenced by the fact that MY STUFF IS STILL HERE and I HADN'T TURNED IT OFF. Bitch.

Or when she does her laundry..WHEN I'M IN THE SHOWER. Yes, sure, STEAL my hot water before I get a chance to finish. MAKE me take the last 5-10 minutes of my shower with frigid water. That'll make me like you.

Or the whole heating issue. Yes, I understand that it's cheaper to keep the temperature lower, but that doesn't mean you get to turn it OFF at night. You guys may be fine upstairs, but it's much colder down here in my room. (Although even Rita complains that it's cold in her room.) I can't even run my space heater for very long because it sucks electricity and makes our power bills shoot up. It's lose-lose for me. Besides, I'm usually the first one up, so I'm the one who has to suffer in the morning as the house heats back up.

Or the lights! When I'm up at 3 or 4 in the morning, I'm going to leave some lights on. It keeps me from getting too freaked out at weird noises, and it means I can find my way to my room or the bathroom if I need to. So when you come downstairs, DON'T slam the lights off as if I've deeply offended you. It's not like I went to bed and left them on. As soon as you leave, I'm going to turn them on again.

She also hates it when I leave a light on in my room. Sorry honey, nothing you say or do is going to make me change that. The lightswitch in my room doesn't work anymore, and there are no outlets anywhere near my door. Since I refuse to stumble around in the pitch black trying to find a light to turn on, I'm just going to leave that lamp in the corner on all the time. Yes, I know it pisses you off. I don't give a shit. And no, that string of heart lights over my closet do NOT provide enough light for me to see anything, so they are not an acceptable substitute. If you really have a problem with this, YOU can get the landlord to fix the lightswitch problem, because he's not listening to me.

Or parking. I've told them time and time again that I have Korean lessons on Saturday mornings and I need to be able to get my car out. So what happens on Saturday morning? They've neglected to take this information into account, forcing me to shuffle the cars around BY MYSELF, making me late for my class every week. Once it starts snowing, I'm not going to be able to shuffle the cars (we pull one car onto the grass  in order to do that), so I'm going to feel justified in just stealing whatever car is already out. If that happens to be Snake's car, fine. If it's Rita's car, fine. I've been going to these lessons every weekend all semester. They've been forewarned.

"Can you do the dishes so I can soak mine?" Okay: (a) they don't NEED to soak--you put way too much stock in that soaking thing; (b) I don't even have that many dishes in there, so you COULD just MOVE them onto the counter instead of forcing me to take a break from my paper; (c) I'm BUSY. Lookit how BUSY I am! Go the fuck away and leave me alone and do your dishes some other time.

Also, I really don't like her boyfriend. He's boring, capitulating, and unattractive. He visits EVERY WEEKEND. I'm really getting sick of him. I could probably accept it better if the relationship was more equal, but it's not. He spends $50-100 every weekend to visit (gas + restaurant + flowers + gambling), while she spends $5-10 (snacks + movie rentals). They only do things she wants to do, and it is painfully obvious that he's whipped. Seriously, the guy has a kid (a mistake from high school)--you'd think he'd have a little more spine.

Plus, they always steal the TV when they come over. Dude, you have a TV IN YOUR ROOM. You're the only one of us who does. Why don't you use that instead of forcing us out of the common area, or interrupting me while I'm writing a paper? And I really don't appreciate you two hanging out in the kitchen giggling and running the microwave and banging things around at 3am when I'm trying to sleep. Next time, I'm going to yell at you.

Besides, she's the one who ruined one of my pots. My father is going to be furious when he finds out, since he inherited them from his mother. She's lucky I didn't go apeshit on her when I found out.

I'm really growing to hate her.

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