06 October 2009

"Why don't you care when it's plain to see / your heart is all I need?"

Music: Jeff Darcy - Heartbreaker (G-Dragon English cover)
Mood: angry and bruised

(A metaphor for my inner turmoil?)

So, remember how I said I knew he wasn't slighting me because he hadn't been on Facebook in awhile?

Well. He was on Facebook today. I know this because he posted things on his wall. He also silently rejected my friend request.

..who does that?!

I'm trying so hard to wrap my head around this concept. I thought.. I mean, I was under the impression.. Well, wasn't he interested in me?

My ego is so bruised right now. I know I'd only met him the once, but I thought there was something there.

Did I inadvertently drive him away? Was he never interested in the first place? If he wasn't interested to begin with, why did he keep asking Rita about me at B-House, and go out of his way to drag me out of my shell? He's the one who approached me. He's the one who asked me to dance. He's the one who invited me to sit next to him outside at B-House, who took my hand when we went back inside. He's the one who had the intense look in his eyes as we danced. He's the one who told Rita I was cute, who..

Maybe he's just one of those people who doesn't add someone as a friend until they've gotten to know them a little better. Even if that's true, wouldn't you still add someone you were somewhat interested in, in order to get to know them better?

He started all of this. If he hadn't been so darn sweet and nice and cute and likable, I wouldn't had thought about him so much and gotten to this point.

God, Kara. It's been all of two days since you met him. TWO DAYS. I don't think you fell for your last crushes this quickly. In fact, I don't think you've ever fallen this quickly.

What is happening to me?

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